The automated applications of FPZ products.
FPZ side channel blowers, metering pumps and industrial fans find their use in the following fields of application:
- Drying systems
- Vacuum tables
- Pneumatic post
- Pick & Place
- Cleaning in Place systems
- Solvent recovery plants
- Plants for the recovery of chemical substances
- Plants for ceramic firing
- Service systems in multiple auxiliary sectors

Drying systems
In drying systems, FPZ side channel blowers are used to remove droplets of water or condensation, generated by the washing and cleaning process of the products.

Removal of liquid droplets and condensation
The product passes inside a drying tunnel in which the blowers generate a flow of hot air (average temperature 20 °C) which, through a series of nozzles adjustable in height, depth and inclination, remove the droplets of liquid and condensation from the product. Thanks to the drying it is possible to proceed with the subsequent stages of processing.
The blowers can also be used in combination with FPZ’s Windblade ™ air knives.
Drying systems are also used in the sectors: Food & Beverage and Metalworking and Mining.
Our solutions
The families of blowers used for drying applications are the MS and TS, possibly combined with Windblade ™ air knife.
*Available with directly driven motor MOR

Single impeller single stage*

Double impeller single stage*

air knife
Vacuum tables
Side channel blowers are used to keep the materials to be cut or coloured with precision and speed.

Fixing the material
The blower, often located beneath the vacuum table, is mainly used in suction to create a vacuum inside the air chamber below the slotted surface, blocking the holes and thus ensuring the fixing in place of the material. It can also be used in conjunction with a VS reversing valve to produce pressure to help release/break the vacuum after use.
The air flow and vacuum vary according to the type of processing to be performed, the size of the table, the porosity characteristics of the material being handled and the hole design.
Handling of a heavy product
The blower is used in compression to put in force air through the holes of the suction table. In this way, an air cushion is created that allows the object to remain slightly raised with respect to the surface and to be moved easily.
The suction tables are used in sectors that deal with: fabric, leather, leather, wood, marble, cardboard, glass or metal.
Our solutions
All FPZ blowers are suitable for use (inside) with vacuum tables.
Available with directly driven motor MOR

Single impeller single stage

Single impeller double stage

Double impeller single stage

Double impeller double stage
Pneumatic post
Side channel blowers are used for handling products quickly and safely through the pneumatic post system.

Handling of a product – in vacuum
The blower is used in vacuum to automatically pick up the products placed inside a box and transport them to a safer area, such as a warehouse or an underground room.
Handling of a product – in compression
The blower used in combination with the reversing valve allows the direction of the air flow to be changed. Thanks to it, the products are picked up from the warehouse and moved to the collection point.
Pneumatic post systems are used in the sectors; metalworking and mining and in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
Our solutions
The family of blowers most used for pneumatic post is the MS, in particular the K05 MS and K06 MS, which can be combined with the reversing valve to allow operation in both vacuum and compression.
*Available with directly driven motor MOR

Single impeller single stage*

Reversing valve

Reversing valve
Pick & Place
In Pick & Place, the side channel blowers are used inside pneumatic manipulators, allowing the picking and positioning of materials to be carried out.

Withdrawal of the product
The blowers are used in vacuum inside the gripping system of the pneumatic manipulators, creating a negative pressure that provides the force necessary to pick up the product.
Product positioning
The blowers are used in combination with the reverse flow valves, to release the objects previously picked up.
Product handling also takes place in the sector Food & Beverage.
Our solutions
Single-stage blowers are the most suitable for this application; moreover, the combination with the reversing valve allows operation in both suction and compression, necessary in the handling of products.
*Available with directly driven motor MOR – ATEX versions

Singola girante monostadio*

Singola girante doppio stadio*

Valvola d’inversione

Valvola d’inversione

Cleaning In Place systems
The pumps are used for Cleaning in Place washing of equipment at the end of the manufacturing processes.

Dosage of acid and soda
The pumps are used to dose acid and soda necessary to eliminate any residue deriving from previous processing from the equipment.
Our solutions
In CIP systems, pumps and mixers are used to prepare and dose the solutions.
All the above series, except the FM, can be coupled to a fast motor or electric servo control and can receive the 4-20 mA signal for automatic proportional dosage.

SR Series – Type A
Spring return
piston pumps

SR Series – Type FM
Spring return
mechanical diaphragm

SR Series – Type D
Spring return mechanical
diaphragm pumps

SR Series – Type B & BR

EM Series
Electric mixers

Solvent recovery plants
In solvent recovery plants, fans are used for the recovery or elimination of the solvents produced.

Recovery of solvents
Fans are used in printing lines to move the air that is loaded with solvents, allowing it to be removed. The fans work at variable speed depending on the phase of the production process, their regulation takes place through inverters controlled by the PLC.
Elimination of solvents
The fans allow a continuous saponification of the solvents allowing their neutralization.
The solvents are often reused in other processes if their quality is suitable, otherwise they are condensed and sent to the blast chillers which permanently eliminates them.
Our solutions
There are 2 series of industrial fans suitable for solvent recovery systems.

S Series

R Series
Plants for the recovery of chemical subtances
In processing plants, industrial fans are used for the recovery of chemical and polluting substances.

Recovery of chemicals
The fans are used in production lines to move the air which is loaded with pollutants, allowing them to be recovered and eliminated.
Our solutions
Industrial fans suitable for the recovery of chemical substances.

Serie S

R Series
Plants for firing ceramic products
Industrial fans are used in industrial kilns which cook ceramic products.

Firing of ceramic products
The fans are used inside industrial ovens to move hot air, allowing the tiles to be fired.
Our solutions
There are 2 series of centrifugal industrial fans that Arivent uses for firing ceramic products.

S Series

GPR Series
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